Case Study Example
Primary School | Time taken: 14 months
The rapid removal of Special Measures and stabilisation of the school following academisation.
- A larger than average-sized primary academy.
- Most pupils come from White British families.
- A higher-than-average proportion of pupils come from a mix of minority ethnic groups.
- The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is well above average.
- The proportion of pupils who are disabled or have special educational needs is above average.
- The proportion of pupils for whom the academy receives the pupil premium is well above average.
- The academy did not meet the government’s current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils’ attainment and progress in reading, writing and mathematics.
- The school converted to become an academy the previous year.
- Recruitment to key leadership positions
- Recruitment of experienced teachers to develop core subjects and act as role models
- Development of Middle Leadership Introduction of key teaching and learning policies to provide firm foundation
- Rapid raising of expectations of staff, pupils and parents
- Introduced School Council and Parent Council to engage stakeholders
- Robust data analysis and action planning
- 6 weekly review of progress
- Introduced policies and programmes for the rapid improvement of reading and phonics across the school
- Clear performance management of staff at all levels
- Robust monitoring and evaluation schedule put into place
- Targeted feedback and response
- Coaching at all levels
- Clear in-house CPD leading to consistent policy and procedure.
- Development of EYFS to include next steps, indoor and outdoor environments.
- Removed from Special Measures to Good within 14 months
- GLD rapidly increased to 73% from historically low levels of 19% and 27% in the previous two years
- 11% at ARE on entry moving to 73% by July.
- All pupils made at least expected progress, with 63% exceeding expected progress.
- Year 1 Phonics
- Historically low at 32% for the previous two years raised to 78% achieving the phonic level.
- Year 2 SATS
- Significant progress in all subjects with ARE increasing from 13.4 in previous year to 16.6, with reading, mathematics and all subjects combined being above national average.
- 100% Level 2 mathematics
- Year 6 SATS
- Reading raised from 39% to 77%, Writing raised from 36% to 70% and maths from 44% to 64%.
- Leadership and Management
- Succession Plan developed and put in place to ensure the school’s continued growth and success following the withdrawal of NMEC leadership.
Our Experience Base
- Primary Schools
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- Specialist Schools
Deputy Headships
- Primary Schools
- Secondary Schools
- Specialist Schools
We specialise in working with schools in category or at risk of category and rapidly moving them to good.
Our Specialist Qualifications Base
- Teaching Degree with QTS
- MA
- NPQH (National Professional Qualification for Headship)
- SIP (School Improvement Partner)
- AI (Additional Inspector – OFSTED)
- Tribal Trained Overseas Inspector
- Professional Coaches
- DISC Certified Trainers
“A significant and sustained trend of improvement has been established in pupils’ achievement.”
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